Script editor for windows 10
Script editor for windows 10


The other service you get for free with your licensing, is an automatic backup to the cloud. You can read more about the inventory on this page. All you need to do to take a hardware and software inventory of computers, is to set the checkmark. You automatically get a free account at this web site. Web site at When you license FastTrack Automation Studio, The first one is a cloud-based inventory named SkyBox, which has its separate You have two cloud services that comes freely with your license, which you configure under "Cloud Services" on the "General" page shown above. User interfaces means anything the user sees, such as splash screen, printer menus, signature pop-ups and so forth. If your users generally have high resolution screens, you may want to make the user interfaces bigger. You can also set a user interface scaling. If you need to troubleshoot on clients, you can temporarily enable step debugging and making errors show on clients. On the general page, you can also test-drive your logon script using the "Execute" and "Debug" buttons without actually logging on to a computer. You should generally include your company logo, as this is shown on all user interfaces that the end user sees. Such as splash screen text and your company name and logo that you saw in the video above. On the default "General" page, you define common settings, If you prefer to see a video of using the basic pages, please refer to this video. Once you completed the setup wizard, you are ready to build your configuration. This is a simple process, so we will not go through the pages here - but you can watch this video to see it done in real life. Click the "Logon Script" icon on the Home Screen and select "Setup New". The first step is to walk through the simple FastTrack Logon Setup wizard. Setting up FastTrack Logon for desktop preparation

Script editor for windows 10